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About this course

The EULAR Online Course for Health Professionals is aimed at health professional in rheumatology (HPRs, other than physicians) who play an important role in the management of rheumatic conditions: e.g. nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists and psychologists. 

The course consists of a total of eight modules, four disease-specific modules (one on inflammatory diseases (RA and AxSpA), one on OA, one on Rare Diseases (Systematic Sclerosis) and one on Pain Syndromes (Low Back Pain and Fibromyalgia) and 4 generic modules (assessment and evaluation; interventions; psychosocial approaches and evidence-based practice. Care is given to integrate the multi disciplinary perspective of the treatment of rheumatic diseases. The module on Rare Diseases is non-mandatory.

The duration of the course is approx. nine months with a free of charge extension of a second year if the modules are not completed or the exam not passed. A final examination is offered once a year at a set day and time frame (advised well in time) and a EULAR certificate is issued upon passing the exam.

The expected learning time per week is calculated around 2 1/2 hours but very flexible for the learners who can enter the learning system at any time and have available free of charge an extra year if needed. Please note that not all 8 modules open at the same time.

Endorsed by Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (KNGF)

The EULAR online course for HPRs was granted credits in the Netherlands by the accreditation committees of the following health professional disciplines: accredited for 64 points for Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Occupational therapists, Exercise therapists and Podiatrists. The course is also accredited with 60 points for Physiotherapists. The course accreditation in the Netherlands is extended for one year until 30 June 2020, and that after that period new applications (extension TBC) for accreditation in the Netherlands will be arranged by the NHPR (Netherlands Health Professionals in Rheumatology).

Module structure and final exam

Each online module deals with one particular topic and contains:

  • An interactive learning module with a set of clear learning outcomes
  • Generally, one/two in-depth discussions expanding on relevant clinical problems with an evidence-based discussion
  • One/two interactive typical clinical cases with appropriate multiple-choice questions and immediate feedback
  • A self-assessment section addresses core aspects of the module and needs to be completed (3 attempts are granted) before the next module can be started
The final examination will assess a sample of the learning outcomes from the whole course (45 questions) within 45 minutes. The examination is run annually at a given date and time period of which learners are notified well in advance. Learners should keep in mind that this course is a 1 years course with an additional year added automatically free of charge only if required. The exam can be failed once.

EULAR extends sincere thanks to all authors and contributors for working on a voluntary basis and without compensation to create and regularly update its online courses!


Copyright will be held by EULAR.

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