General information
EULAR has made substantial efforts and investment in developing e-learning opportunities with the newest developments in the field of rheumatology. After making a 25 EUR purchase for one module, you will have 1-year access to the module.
Note: There will be no exam nor certificate upon completing the individual modules.
- 1 module = 25 EUR
- 3 modules = 50 EUR
- 10 modules = 100 EUR
- HPR: EULAR Online Course for Health Professionals in Rheumatology
- IMG: EULAR Online Course on Imaging in RMDs
- PAED: EULAR / PRES Online Course in Paediatric Rheumatology
- PEP: EULAR Online Course on Patient Education
- PRP: EULAR Online Course for Patient Research Partners
- RMD: EULAR Course on Rheumatic Diseases
- SLE: EULAR Online Course on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- SSc: EULAR Online Course on Systemic Sclerosis
- CAPI: EULAR Online Course on Capillaroscopy & Microcirculation
Note: There will be no exam nor certificate upon completing the individual modules.